Vishujeet Thakur says, “Determination can make you successful even at the age of 19”

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Determination can make you successful even at the age of 19, says Vishujeet Thakur
Determination can make you successful even at the age of 19, says Vishujeet Thakur

Few people in the world are born leader, and they cannot be controlled by the monotonous  At the age of 15, Vishujeet Thakur understood the value of time and resources, and utilized it to learn the mystery of the internet. He belongs to a middle-class family of Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, and his curiosity towards the gifts of the internet has made his dream come true. Vishujeet loves to take bike rides once in a while and the risk-taking, adventurous personality helped him to achieve the title of Digital Marketeer at an age of being distracted.

When most of the students rely on their elders to take decision on their career choices, Vishujeet played his own card of destiny by indulging himself in the vast platform of Digital Marketing. According to him, he is just a seeker, not a master, and he learns every day. He keeps on improving his prowess gradually, and starts working for something new, something unique to understand the variance. He single handedly set out for his astonishing career path instead of waiting for anyone’s assistance. His courageous nature always motivated him to dream big and make them happen.

Digital Marketing is an expansive niche, and it keeps on expanding every day. People become bored after achieving certain goals, but the young digital marketer does not stop at any level. He keeps on upgrading his skills, and the trending ideas seem to be fascinated to him. During his learning process Vishujeet promised to learn from his mistakes. He believes that one should never repeat his mistakes, he can fall harder on next mistake but learn from the previous one.

To his family and friends, he is the most dedicated and disciplined person around them. He never wastes his time in unnecessary works which are non-profitable. Patience, perseverance and honesty have brought prosper in his life. No opportunity is an opportunity for him unless he learns something out of it. “My mind is a place for prosperity. The more knowledge I gain, the more I desire and the cycle keeps continuing”, he says.

Vishujeet Thakur is an inspiration to the youngsters. His infectious energy attract others to become more productive and successful. His initial phase was not as smoothe as it seems to be, because it was his solo journey. He says, ” Never become depressed during failure. Your darkest time can bring the ray of hope to brighten your life, and you should follow this destiny call to touch the peak of your success.”


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