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Sunil Mittal says – India will be 5G ready soon

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Sunil Mittal is founder and Chairman of Bharti Airtel. His full name is Sunil Bharti Mittal. While he is in headlines since Tuesday. He says that India will soon be 5G ready. Sunil believes that India will ready in 2 to 3 years. He says that he will ensure that every advancements that comes in India should be in favor of India only. While he speaks all this at India Mobile Congress 2020. He says the onset of covid-19 being such huge pandemic has accelerated the digital adoption of several products and various services.

Sunil Mittal believes that due to the pandemic the digitalization of world in terms of advancement is increasing day by day. He says that slowly but gradually as the world settles down the rates of the equipment will automatically bar down. He addresses that nowadays we see that devices are available everywhere being plentiful. Chairman says that the time will come around the globe when it benefit us in every aspect. He says that that 5G ecosystem will soon be come into existence and everyone will be able to address that.

He also tells that Prime Minister has shown tremendous foresight in putting the consultation paper to invite private sector for the same.

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