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Harsh Varrdhan: – There should be legal ramification for online abuse

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Harsh Varrdhan says – “This censorship should happen right now. There should be immediate legal ramification for abusing people on social media. Much like when you harass someone on the street, proper legal action is taken against you. Similar things should happen on the internet as well to stop these brainless and spiteful trolls who doesn’t seem like thinking even once before hurling abuses and threats.”

Harsh Varrdhan further adds – “It’s only been there for a couple of decades. One also needs to understand that whatever goes there reaches a lot of people across the world and impacts them as well. And it should not be like you can do whatever you want to on the internet or social media for that matter and get away with it. That doesn’t add up to me. So I think that needs to be addressed immediately.”

Actor Harsh Varrdhan concludes by saying – “We all have been going through so much in these times… lot of life have been destroyed. The trauma and the effect that this is going to have on all of us. It will actually take us years to recover. May be two-three years from now this might feel like a bad dream. But the last thing you need in these horrible uncertain times with so much sadness around is some fools sitting behind their keyboards writing some rubbish that doesn’t really matter. These trolls sitting at home seem like venting their frustration on innocent people for no reason. I think it’s very offensive. I’m sure we all can be responsible as to what we put out. And how we present ourselves on social media. Together we can find a way out of this.”

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