Hathras gangrape case: In Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, a 20-year-old woman, who was a victim of gang rape and torture, died in a hospital in Delhi two weeks ago. There is a lot of anger among the common people as well as Bollywood artists about this incident of Hathras. Recently Farah Khan Ali, famous Indian jewelry designer and the daughter of Bollywood actor Sanjay Khan has tweeted about this Hathras gangrape case. The tweet is getting a lot of attention. In her tweet, Farah Khan Ali wrote that justice for Sushant Singh Rajput is not as important as this incident. We need justice for the victim of Hathras right now.
Gm India. If you don’t react to the #haathras victim tragedy then you’re truly a morally sick country. Today it’s someone else’s daughter, tomorrow it can be yours. #JusticeForSSR is NOT as important than what has happened here. We need #JusticeForHathrasVictim NOW and MORE
— Farah Khan (@FarahKhanAli) September 30, 2020
This tweet made about the incident of Hathras is becoming very viral. People are commenting fiercely on it. In this tweet, Farah Khan Ali wrote, “Gm India. If you don’t react to the #haathras victim tragedy then you’re truly a morally sick country. Today it’s someone else’s daughter, tomorrow it can be yours. #JusticeForSSR is NOT as important than what has happened here. We need #JusticeForHathrasVictim NOW and MORE. “
Let me tell you that apart from Farah Khan Ali, Akshay Kumar, Arjun Rampal, Kriti Sanon, Swara Bhaskar, Zeeshan Ayyub, Javed Akhtar, Farhan Akhtar and many other actors were also raging about this Hathras gangrape case. It is being told that about two weeks ago, four-five people gang-raped the victim and tortured her. The victim’s condition was very bad. Fractures had come in many parts of her body and her tongue was also cut. The victim’s father and brother sat on a strike outside the hospital. Policemen had to make emotional appeals to end their strike.